Clash of the Continents

Clash of the Continents

2 x 60’ National Geographic Channels International

Imagine you were a Spaceman who has returned to Earth 250 million years in the future. Everything you remember will be gone: wiped away by the geological forces that shape our world. In its place, a Supercontinent covers the world, created as all the Earth’s landmasses drifted back together over time. To find out what happened to Man, you must search for a city like New Orleans, buried beneath the mud of the Mississippi Delta. There, you may find the fossilised remains of a New Orleans Bar, frozen in time when the levees finally failed. But in order to get there, you must fall from the Heavens, and there you will find that Earth is no longer the Eden you left behind. All the oceans are dead, starved of Oxygen. Its coastlines, too, have reverted to an earlier age, dominated by bacterial colonies of Stromatolites, able to survive in these hostile conditions. Inland, the supercontinent is ringed by mountains covered with impenetrable bamboo jungles, while the heartland is an enormous, lifeless, superdesert. But that’s not all. When you find the fossilised evidence you are looking for, you discover that Mankind was responsible for one of the greatest extinction events in the history of the planet; and as if that wasn’t bad enough, you realise that you have landed in the middle of another extinction event, caused by the Supercontinent itself. Like the ancient continent of Pangaea before it, the break-up of this Supercontinent could eradicate almost all life on Earth, and you will be caught in the end of the world as you know it.